For simpler repairs (iPhone screen, battery issues | MacBook battery, RAM, HDD replacement).
Tell us about the device & the issue. Confirm your location & a convenient time
Our engineer visits your residence/office. Does the service in front of you.
Check the device, pay via cash, card or UPI transfer.
For more complex repairs safe to be done only in a workshop
Inform us about the device & the issue. Our executive visits you on scheduled time.
Once we receive the device, we diagnose it thoroughly. Then share the diagnosis and a repair cost estimate with you via call or email.
On quotation approval, we proceed with repair. The device is delivered back to you, only post extensive QC.
If you, like us, like to meet someone in person before trusting them with your beloved device.
Our location is easily available on Google Maps . Preferably call ahead to inform you’re coming.
Our staff is trained to lend a patient ear, understand your issue and make sure you have clarity on the repair process etc.
MOST spare parts are readily available in inventory, so we can usually deliver the fastest TAT. Water damaged & motherboard issues take longer.